
Sunday, May 15, 2005

my leaving

I'll be the tyred traffic
which crosses the

bridge I shall join hordes
who do not comply

fade into shadows
that won't readjust

despite lust’s
synovial suasive syzsgy

semi-dark in the waking
of high night

to ply
tender’s fallowed temptation

because why

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Doss-house Supplementum Tertiæ Partis

His heart is way beyond the raw damp tree
destitute Hartz mountains on a featureless plain
which he is not about to remember much.

he has no idea how he fell why
there is red wet pouring why he feels no pain
apart from hands who these two are exploring his sudden

One shrieks, finds work fussing,
imploring, consoling, asking, explaining, deploring; another
in Gregory of Nyssa (apparently) and the Summa Theologica, reading new

meanings into ancient regulations. But he begins to hurt. Is sat
down. A siren from somewhere and alien. Neither bricks nor plywood satisfy lust but he has at least the trick to search


At home his wife has learnt to fill holes
as all wives who are left alone must.
Making do her lot.

God is in blood.
A crust forms.
Earned or

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

may day (1)

it seems there might have been a bad dream
I should have passed up
flowers for dirt
borne them

foxglove, hollyhock, lady’s
mantle, hosta, phlox,
all as yet un-

academics who do not, will not
mess with words: text
kept original lest

meaning freed
from the back


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