Thursday, April 30, 2009
I: pave the swinepath you/r
directions are a desist you/r
desparple of the wise rue litter: I
dowse a sweet crack my clue-thorns
planted nether by my forebears
scent a thoroughfare scarce
and runnelled baybare a
spent discover a known
formal sepia spinthrift
agave horse chestnut
I shelter in the nowstoeps’
cover hysop-fill my hipbag with
syrup-tender, haunt melodies from
the pluck dunes the suck-sand spume-
shucks and only resolve and only an open
and still you/r sparsoil traillage
and still you/r whiffle
midden: I
trawl urge: I
tip over you/r
tittup-miscue strewing tap
backscatter my morning sads my
daunts. The begin. I hang my sipflask
on baal-hooks provender my decides, one
further a sententiae’d guilt array doxastic
spray-clichés: I
supplicate motivation: I
gather snowdrupes from under
spatter-clover fend the future-husks
no matter insperse-muck opinion spawl, crawl
one step, mark vision-stooks
slip so-seed
into the argue holes
you/r immigration deploys
you/r mind body apartheid
my nevertheless conviction-heresy
a lime-sparge on you/r bull philosophy: I
pouch my baby-belly with warm
workpalms hew with a
spare thought a
do-able a