Tuesday, May 12, 2009
you/r fake and the must therefore after many eventual edges
to knives theirs the choice theirs the active: I
the which best? utility array: I
serendipitous seaming
display my solomon’s
riding carpet: I
fleck-one deft-
sudden seeming
sweep you away on
trust my ah there flick-one
sway you/r unawares cut watch
y/our flail y/our beautiful tailwing slut pervail you/r splitty
fail you/r narcissus überbent you/r miasammed
disregard; the butter-one used as
shiv: scalpel too obvious
you/r fight the deadening you/r escape you/r
propofol lie propping watch breath watch head-
turn watch you/r dense innocence hiss
from you/r effect-hole every fibre
strain for good, kind, sweet,
innocent, always the
underdog re-
frain: I
haft for chorus
unbroken chorus
of pre-tend christian and bible
and hebrew 'n snatch you/r bloody
image build into its own cur-cancer: I
whittle the seduct veins make fly make rise
make fake aspiration an art form feed you/r greedy
you/r insatiable you/r painself nurturing each young
you/rthrob-artery into ritual aggrandisement
would fork you/r pride flubber would
cuttle-lick a what a prick
you/r essence disabléd
a slow -build pin
do bet do wish do spell
for an arsehole anastrozole
would fist a catling into your curare dread
but take my lancet wit and burst
you/r bubble in